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Enjoy Benefits

Enjoy Benefits

If your employer uses Enjoy Benefits as their benefits provider we can supply you a bicycle, a bicycle and accessories or accessories on their own, with generous tax savings. The exact value of these savings will depend on your salary arrangements, please ask your employer for details.

If you'd like to reserve a bike for purchase using Enjoy Benefits please follow the following procedure:
1. Check your employer's benefits provider is Enjoy Benefits and not another similarly named benefits or cycle to work provider.
2. Visit our Tadley store, contact us by phone or contact us by email requesting to reserve a bike by payment from Enjoy Benefits. We will normally ask for a £50 deposit (refunded after payment from Enjoy Benefits) to hold the bike for you. We can supply an order confirmation to supply to your benefits department.
3. Your employer's benefits department will have their own process for dealing with your purchase which will result in Enjoy Benefits contacting us to complete the purchase of your bicycle.